Hello ! My name is Anthony Guillet, I'm 25 years old and I'm passionate about creation in the broadest sense, but I hold my taste for the art of traditional drawing.
I've always gravitated towards art, the world of self-taught, content creators, video games and role-playing.
However, I didn't make the initial choice to go into an artistic field after college, due to various fears about myself and my future, linked to a lack of perspective and confidence.
That's why I opted for the solution that seemed "safest" at the time.
After graduating with a Electrotechnics Professional Baccalaureate and a HND Production Services Maintenance, Industrial Option, I worked at a job I loved in order to finance my passion and move towards my personal goals, which included making a living from my passion.
My professional environment, right from the apprenticeship, was a total disillusionment for my desire to learn and to do this job, for 4/5 years, after 2 horrible years of work-study program (sweeping brooms among other things and doing greasing) I had no choice but to carry on my shoulders the weight of my shortcomings due to the lack of training in this apprenticeship.

As my activity became more and more present on the social networks through drawing, whether it was just on twitter to post and talk, on discord to meet people, but above all through the various challenges and competitions I took part in, it was the competition I needed at a time when I was at my lowest ebb in my professional environment.
I met two superb people, a freelancer and a student at a Game Art school. If I'd put the idea of going to an "art" school out of my mind, and had never looked into today's schools, it was time for someone to tell me about Game Design schools, and I found myself very interested in all the notions/skills offered by these schools, because with a 40/45 hour schedule, it was difficult for me to be able to draw and learn new things or create in other media.
And so, through a combination of circumstances, I now find myself in my first year of Game Art at E-ArtSup Nantes, never closer to my passion, and now that I've made the choice that seemed the riskiest, I intend to give it my all even more than I did during those passionate self-taught years (2017).
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